Confidentiality Notice & Accredited Investor Acknowledgement

NevEarth Fund Inc.

All Information furnished by NevEarth  Fund Inc and provided by you the investor in your Subscription Agreement, including the Confidential Investor Questionnaire and the Accredited Investor Representation Letter, will be kept strictly confidential, except that the Company may present the information to such regulatory bodies or other parties as may be appropriate to establish the availability of exemptions from certain securities law registration requirements or the compliance of the Company and this Offering with applicable securities laws.

For all inquiries, please contact:

+61 411 466697 |

WhatsApp +61 411 466697

(Time Zone Queensland Australia)

Accredited Investor Acknowledgement

Prior to providing confidential information of NevEarth Fund Inc. requires that you respond to each of the following questions.

Please indicate your annual income for the past two years, plus project income for this year.

Please indicate your total net worth, excluding your primary residence.

Your trust may qualify as an accredited investor, regardless of your own personal accreditation status. Please indicate if the following is true:

2 + 2 = ?